Free Downloads
Free printables from The Woolly Grove universe!

🌎 Printable Miniature Vintage Globe
A cute little decoration for your miniature scene!
1:12 scale 📏

🪑 Printable Miniature Chair
A little reading chair to sit next to your miniature bookshelf!
1:12 scale 📏

📚 Printable Miniature Bookshelf
A little bookshelf to house all the miniature books you're making!
1:12 scale 📏

📕 Printable Miniature Books
Add more books to your miniature scene with these easy to make miniature books!
1:12 scale 📏

🦋 Antique Butterfly Box
Make the walls of your diorama or dollhouse even more whimsical and mysterious with this butterfly box! 1:12 scale📏